The Groups Window.
The Groups window contains a list of all created groups. In addition the number of profiles contained in each group is shown in the column labelled "Count". The list is hierarchical, so if a profile is a member of several groups, the topmost group membership is the one that is applied to the profile when displayed. For instance, if a profile is a member of both groups 1 and 3 in the image above, then J-Express Pro will display the group as a member of group 3 since this group is higher in the list.
Change the name of a group by double-clicking
the Group Name entry and entering a new one. To move a group up or down
in the list use the and
to the right of the list.
If you want to temporarily disable the highlighting of a group, uncheck the Active box to the left of the group’s name in the list. To re-enable the highlight for the group, check the Active box again.
To change the color of a group’s highlight, click the Color box of the group. A color selector dialog opens that lets you choose a new color .
To copy the groups to children nodes
in the Project Tree select the Copy Group to Children ( )
To copy the groups to the parent node
in the Project Tree click the Copy Group to Parent ( )
To perform a logical AND operation on groups, select the groups, and then click the AND button. This will create a new group containing only the profiles that are members of all the selected groups.
To perform a logical OR operation on groups, select the groups, and then click the OR button. This will create a new group containing the members of all the selected groups.
To display the contents of a selected group in a spreadsheet, click the Show
group in table button (
). This will open a spreadsheet window containing the data of all the profiles
in the selected group.
To display the contents of a selected group in a Gene Graph window, click the
Show group in graph button (
). This will open a gene graph window containing all the profiles of the selected
To display thumbnails of all defined groups, click the Show all groups as
thumbs button (
). This will bring a window similar in function to the K-means window showing
thumbnails of all defined groups. See section 3.4.2 for additional informati
To branch the data contained in a selected group into a sub-node of the project
tree, click the Branch data button (
To remove groups from the list select the group you want to remove by clicking
on its entry in the list, and then clicking the Delete Group button (
To remove groups and the profiles associated
with the group from the data set completely, select the group from the list,
and click the
(Delete Group From Data) button.
The information contained in the group controller can be
written to a Group Legend by clicking the
button, and then saved.
All these functions are also available from the Group Controller menu bar.
Note: Changing group color and hierarchy does not take effect until you click the Update All Components button.
Click the Close button to remove the Groups window.
Note on selections:
If you have several windows open, profiles you have selected in one window will remain selected in the others. For instance, if you can select a profile of interest in a Hierarchical Clustering Window, the profile will be automatically selected when you open a Find Similar Profiles window. If changes you make do not take effect immediately, press the