Array Plot

The array plot allows you to plot two rows or two columns from the dataset against each other. When using the array plot to see if two arrays (or columns) are comparable, we want to see that most of the spots are close to the line y = x. This plot will also reveal "banana shaped" data.

1. Click the ( Array Plot ) button on the J-Express Pro main panel.

2. To plot two columns (samples) against each other, make sure that the Rows radio button is selected. This means that the data points in the plot will get their x-and y- values from the same row.

3. On the left side there are two list of items. One for the x-axis and one for the y-axis. Select different columns from each list to plot them against each other.

4. In the lower left hand corner you can select which plot you want to use. The available options are X/Y, log and MA. The type of plot you should use depends on the whether your data contains log values or not.

Here is an example of a "banana shaped" plot.