Significance analysis of microarrays (SAM)

SAM is a method that can be used to identify differentially expressed genes. Each gene is assigned a score on the basis of its change in gene expression relative to the standard deviation of repeated measurements. The genes that have a score which is significantly higher than the expected score are termed differentially expressed. The expected score is calculated by permuting the measurements, and then taking the average score for all the permuted scores as the expected score. The percentage of genes falsely identified as differentially expressed is called False Discovery Rate (FDR). For more details on SAM, see

Tusher VG, Tibshirani R, Chu G. Significance analysis of microarrays applied to the ionizing radiation response. PNAS. 2001 Apr 24;98(9):5116-21

Running SAM

  1. To perform SAM analysis, you need to define groups of samples within your dataset.
  2. The SAM analysis can be started from the Methods | Supervised analysis menu or by clicking the (Significance Analysis of Microarrays) button. In the window that opens, select the two groups to be compared by checking the boxes in the Selection column and click the Next button.
  3. In the next window you can set the maximum number of permutations to be performed in order to calculate the expected scores and FDR. One way of assessing whether you have done enough permutations is to do the analysis again and compare the FDR values. If they are not consistent, more permutations may be needed.
  4. In addition you need to tell J-Express whether your data values are Linear (non-logged), Log2 or some other transformed values. Click Next to perform the analysis

In the Result window, you are presented with a table containing the genes of your dataset sorted accordig to their score in an ascending order. The score used by SAM is called d-score.


Interpreting the result

The result table

The SAM Plot

In the SAM Plot the observed difference D(i) is plotted against the expected diference DE(i). The black line indicates the line for D(i) = DE(i). The two grey lines on either side of the black line, are drawn at delta distance from the black line. The grey lines show the selected thresholds. Spots further away from the black line than the grey lines are considered differentially expressed.

Selecting genes

Click on different genes to see how the grey lines move. The genes outside the grey lines will be considered differentially expressed. When selecting the threshold of the gene list choose a q-value you think is ok. To select the genes for your gene list select the first gene of the list (Called # 1), then scroll to the last Called number you want in your gene list (with an ok q-value), press Shift - and click this gene.

Outputting results

There are severalt ways of outputting the result from SAM: